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Shani Shingnap

Offbeat Himachal - Isha Tours

Shani Shingnap

Shani Shingnapur, located in Maharashtra, India, is a revered pilgrim place known for its unique temple dedicated to Lord Shani, the Hindu deity associated with the planet Saturn. The temple is famous for its open-air architecture and the absence of any physical idol or shrine. Devotees believe that Lord Shani resides in a black stone pillar installed in the sanctum sanctorum.

The best time to visit Shani Shingnapur is during weekdays and off-peak hours to avoid large crowds and long waiting times. Additionally, auspicious occasions like Saturdays, Amavasya (new moon day), and Shanivar (Saturday) are considered especially propitious for seeking blessings from Lord Shani.

Whether you seek divine blessings, wish to witness unique rituals, or simply wish to experience the spiritual ambiance of the place, Shani Shingnapur offers a serene and spiritually enriching experience for visitors of all ages.

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